
whole faculty
hierarchical order

Faculty Offices
Department of English Language with Didactics
Department of Czech Language and Literature with Didactics
Department of Musical Education
Department of Information and Comunication Technology
Department of Mathematics with Didactics
Department of Education and Adult Education
Department of Educational and School Psychology
Department of Preprimary and Primary Education
Department of Social Education
Department of Special Education
Department of Civic Education
Department of Human Movement Studies
Department of Technical and Vocational Education
Department of Visual Arts Education
Lifelong Learning Centre
Human Motion Diagnostic Centre
Centre for Research of Educational Processes
Centre for Visual Studies
Centre for Research into Culture and Identity of the Region

Faculty Offices

Alphabetical order
Adamcová Lenka, Ing., MBA
Faculty Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2503
+420 736 757 935
+420 553 46 1062
+420 553 46 2505
Bőhm Radek
Assistant, Office for Studies
+420 553 46 2512
+420 553 46 4016
+420 553 46 2545
+420 603 326 731
Dočkalová Beatrice
Personnel Assistant
+420 553 46 2504
Farana Roman, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Study
+420 553 46 2813
Fialová Ivana, PhDr.
Head of Section
+420 553 46 2722
+420 734 783 481
Geierová Alena, Mgr.
Assistant, Office for Studies
+420 553 46 2516
+420 553 46 2506
+420 553 46 2510
+420 607 762 933
+420 553 46 2814
+420 553 46 1063
Kopitz Daniel, Mgr.
Assistant for International Relations
+420 553 46 2507
Kostolányová Kateřina, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Studies and Lifelong Learning
+420 553 46 2625
+420 739 504 633
Koudela Tomáš, Mgr., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Internal and Public Communication and Creative Activity
+420 553 46 2545
+420 553 46 4017
+420 773 069 222
+420 553 46 4019
Lipowská Renáta, Mgr.
Assistant for International Relations
+420 553 46 2536
+420 553 46 4045
+420 553 46 2509
+420 777 799 645
+420 553 46 2817
Oslizloková Anna, Bc.
Personnel Assistant
+420 553 46 2511
Oslizloková Blanka
Assistant, Office for Studies
+420 553 46 2517
+420 732 741 145
+420 553 46 2541
+420 553 46 4035
+420 553 46 4034
Schmejkalová Ivana, Mgr.
Assistant for International Relations
+420 553 46 2508
+420 733 169 894
+420 553 46 2699
Sikorová Zuzana, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Internationalisation
+420 553 46 2719
Šimlová Žaneta, Mgr. MgA., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Curriculum Development and Quality of Education
+420 553 46 2680
+420 553 46 1065
+420 553 46 2513
Uchytil Jaroslav, Mgr., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Development and Legislation
+420 553 46 2857
Valchař Aleš, Mgr.
Head of Study Office
+420 553 46 2711
Vašková Lenka, Bc.
Student Officer
+420 553 46 2514
+420 553 46 2502
+420 734 692 927

Department of English Language with Didactics

Department of Czech Language and Literature with Didactics

Alphabetical order
Balharová Andrea, Mgr., Ph.D.
Departmental Coordinator for Internationalisation
+420 553 46 2642
+420 731 696 962
+420 553 46 2637
+420 553 46 2643
+420 553 46 2644
+420 553 46 2636
Novák Radomil, doc. Mgr. Ing., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator, PR Coordinator
+420 553 46 2638
+420 553 46 2635
+420 731 696 960

Department of Musical Education

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2527
+420 731 467 002
+420 553 46 4041
+420 553 46 3313
+420 553 46 2526
+420 603 749 646
Mazurek Jiří, PhDr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2528
+420 553 46 2602
+420 553 46 2527
Spisar Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
Erasmus+ Department Coordinator
+420 553 46 2532
+420 553 46 2533
+420 775 108 019

Department of Information and Comunication Technology

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2626
Havlásková Tatiana, Mgr., Ph.D.
Departmental Coordinator for Internationalisation
+420 553 46 2631
Javorčík Tomáš, Mgr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2632
+420 553 46 2630
+420 553 46 2625
+420 739 504 633
+420 731 137 352
+420 553 46 2520
+420 553 46 2633
+420 777 823 195
+420 553 46 2627

Department of Mathematics with Didactics

Alphabetical order
Barot Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D.
Head of Department, Departmental Coordinator for Internationalisation
+420 553 46 2653
+420 553 46 2626
Krpec Radek, RNDr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative and PR Coordinator, Educational Advisor
+420 553 46 2646
+420 553 46 2653
+420 553 46 2653
+420 553 46 2653

Department of Education and Adult Education

Department of Educational and School Psychology

Department of Preprimary and Primary Education

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2678
+420 553 46 2679
Karaffa Jan, Mgr., Ph.D.
Departmental Coordinator for Internationalisation
+420 553 46 2681
+420 553 46 2676
+420 553 46 2677
+420 553 46 1010
Šimik Ondřej, Mgr., PhD.
Head of Department
+420 731 639 623
+420 553 46 2675
Šimlová Žaneta, Mgr. MgA., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2680

Department of Social Education

Alphabetical order
Cisovská Hana, PhDr., Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department
+420 553 46 2658
+420 553 46 2661
+420 553 46 2661
Chudý Štefan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D., MBA
Guarantor and Study Advisor for MA Social Education
+420 553 46 2659
+420 553 46 2661
+420 553 46 2612
+420 553 46 2658
+420 553 46 2612
Richterová Bohdana, Mgr., Ph.D.
Head of Department, Guarantor of the Social Education study program (BA), Study Advisor for BA Social Education
+420 553 46 2656
+420 603 229 887
+420 731 193 897
+420 553 46 2659
+420 553 46 2658
Šimečková Pavlína, Bc.
Assistant and Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2657
Šobáňová Petra, Mgr., Ph.D.
Departmental Internationalisation Coordinator
+420 553 46 2612
Štenclová Veronika, Mgr., Ph.D.
Social Networks Administrator, PR
+420 553 46 2660

Department of Special Education

Alphabetical order
Adamus Petr, PhDr., Ph.D.
Diagnostician/Specialist of Pyramida Centre
+420 553 46 2670
Franiok Petr, doc. PaedDr., Ph.D.
Guarantor of Master Degree study program Special Educational Needs Teacher and Special Education
+420 734 366 447
+420 553 46 2672
Hampl Igor, Mgr., Ph.D.
Diagnostician/Specialist of Pyramida Centre
+420 553 46 2669
Chlebcová Helena, Mgr.
Tutor of the First Year of Bachelor Studie, Methodist of Pyramida Center
+420 553 46 2673
Chudý Štefan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D., MBA
Head of Department, Department Coordinator for R&D, Project Activities, Department Development
+420 553 46 2659
Kovářová Renata, PaedDr., Ph.D.
Educational Advisor, Guarantor of Bachelor Degree study program Special Education, Methodist of Pyramida Center
+420 553 46 2669
Ludíková Libuše, prof. PaedDr., CSc.
HR Coordinator, Cooperation on Accreditations, Department Development
+420 553 46 2674
+420 597 373 612
+420 553 46 1799
+420 597 372 758
+420 597 371 111
+420 597 373 644
Satinská Edita, Mgr., Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department, Faculty Coordinator for Students with SEN, Department Coordinator for Students Internationalisation, Diagnostician/Specialist of Pyramida Centre
+420 553 46 2671
Vašků Vladimír
Secretary, PR Coordinator
+420 553 46 2667
Vavrušková Veronika, Mgr.
Tutor of the First Year of Master Studies
+420 553 46 2666

Department of Civic Education

Alphabetical order
Kalitová Kristina, Mgr., Ph.D.
Departmental Coordinator for Internationalisation
+420 553 46 2603
+420 553 46 2601
+420 553 46 2602
+420 553 46 2527

Department of Human Movement Studies

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2824
+420 553 46 2832
+420 553 46 2811
+420 553 46 4405
+420 553 46 1793
+420 553 46 2815
+420 553 46 2816
+420 607 762 933
+420 553 46 2814
+420 553 46 1788
+420 553 46 2840
+420 553 46 2806
+420 553 46 1070
+420 553 46 3525
+420 553 46 3644
+420 731 420 288
+420 553 46 4405
+420 553 46 2820
+420 777 799 645
+420 553 46 2817
+420 553 46 2819
+420 553 46 2802
+420 553 46 2849
+420 776 897 540
+420 553 46 2819
+420 553 46 2856
+420 553 46 2808
Tenglerová Jana, Ing.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2803
+420 553 46 2816
+420 553 46 2801

Department of Technical and Vocational Education

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2636
Slovák Svatopluk, Ing., Ph.D.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2610
+420 605 249 665
Švrčinová Veronika, Mgr.
Departmental Coordinator for Internationalisation
+420 553 46 2613
+420 777 953 218
+420 553 46 2612
+420 774 549 790

Department of Visual Arts Education

Alphabetical order
Cieslar Milan, Mgr., PhD.
Deputy Head of Department, Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2535
+420 553 46 2545
+420 603 326 731
+420 553 46 2536
+420 553 46 2540
+420 553 46 2539

Lifelong Learning Centre

Alphabetical order
Dobošová Anna, Ing.
Head of the Institute, Pedagogical Counsellor, Assistant Specialis
+420 553 46 2698
Fialová Alžběta
Assistant Specialist
+420 553 46 2519
Ostřížková Kateřina
Assistant Specialist
+420 553 46 2697

Human Motion Diagnostic Centre

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2811
+420 553 46 2815
Jandačka Daniel, prof. Mgr., Ph.D.
odborný garant Centra diagnostiky lidského pohybu
+420 607 762 933
+420 553 46 2814
+420 553 46 2806
+420 553 46 4405
+420 777 799 645
+420 553 46 2817
+420 553 46 2849
+420 553 46 2819
Skýpala Jiří, Mgr., Ph.D.
Head of the Biomechanics and Imaging Methods Laboratory
+420 553 46 2855
+420 553 46 2808
+420 553 46 2816

Centre for Research of Educational Processes

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2670
+420 731 696 962
+420 553 46 2637
+420 553 46 2625
+420 739 504 633
+420 553 46 2646
+420 553 46 2656
+420 603 229 887
+420 553 46 2677
+420 553 46 1010
+420 731 193 897
+420 553 46 2659
+420 731 639 623
+420 553 46 2675

Centre for Visual Studies

Centre for Research into Culture and Identity of the Region

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2526
+420 603 749 646
+420 553 46 2530
+420 553 46 2604
+420 553 46 2533
+420 775 108 019