
hierarchical order

Alphabetical order
Adamus Petr, PhDr., Ph.D.
Diagnostician/Specialist of Pyramida Centre
Specialist area: Education of People with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Multiple handicap, Diagnostics in Special Education
+420 553 46 2670
Bártová Petra, MUDr., Ph.D.
Specialist area: Neurology
+420 597 373 276
Franiok Petr, doc. PaedDr., Ph.D.
Guarantor of Master Degree study program Special Educational Needs Teacher and Special Education
Specialist area: Education of People with Intellectual Disabilities, Diagnostics in Special Education, Basics and History of Special Education
+420 734 366 447
+420 553 46 2672
Gebauer Alexandr, Mgr.
Specialist area: Applied Physical Activities in Indviduals with Disabilities
Hampl Igor, Mgr., Ph.D.
Diagnostician/Specialist of Pyramida Centre
Specialist area: Education of People with Hearing Impairment, Diagnostics in Special Education, Special Education, Inclusive Special Education
+420 553 46 2669
Hašková Aneta, Mgr., MBA
Specialist area: Czech Sign Language, Interpreting Services
Hosáková Jiřina, Mgr., Ph.D.
Specialist area: Psychiatry
+420 553 46 1602
Chlebcová Helena, Mgr.
Tutor of the First Year of Bachelor Studie, Methodist of Pyramida Center
Specialist area: Education of Pupils with Specific Learning and Behavioral Disorders, Didactic Aspects of School Education of Pupils with Special Educational Needs, Methods of Instrumental Enrichment
+420 553 46 2673
Chudý Štefan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D., MBA
Head of Department, Department Coordinator for R&D, Project Activities, Department Development
+420 553 46 2659
Kaleja Martin, doc. PhDr. et PhDr., Ph.D., MBA
Specialist area: Education of People with Social and Behavioural Problems, Social and Societal Attitudes to Inclusion, Special Education
Kilduff Daniela, Mgr., Ph.D.
Specialist area: Education of People with Visual Impairment or a Blindness, Speech Disorders and Language Impairments, Learning Differences, ADD and ADHD, Education of People with Intelectual Disabilities, Inclusive Education
Klugová Iva, Mgr., Ph.D.
Specialist area: Specific Learning and Behavioural Disorders, Speech and Language Therapy and Intervention, Special Education
Kovářová Renata, PaedDr., Ph.D.
Educational Advisor, Guarantor of Bachelor Degree study program Special Education, Methodist of Pyramida Center
Specialist area: Specific Learning and Behavioural Disorders, Education of Gifted and Talented Pupils, Special Education, Inclusive Special Education
+420 553 46 2669
Kytnarová Lucie, Mgr., Ph.D.
Specialist area: Speech and Language Therapy and Intevention, Education of People with Hearing Impairment
+420 553 46 2729
Ludíková Libuše, prof. PaedDr., CSc.
HR Coordinator, Cooperation on Accreditations, Department Development
Specialist area: Special Education, Education of People with Visual Impairment - Ophtalmology
+420 553 46 2674
Medřická Hana, MUDr.
Specialist area: Pediatric Neurology
+420 597 373 612
Mrázková Eva, MUDr., Ph.D.
Specialist area: Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatry
+420 553 46 1799
+420 597 372 758
Novohradská Hana, Mgr.
Specialist area: Education of People with Visual Impairment, Assistance for Students with Special Needs
Nyklová Eva, Ing., Ph.D., MBA
Specialist area: education of pupils with special educational needs, pedagogical aspects of the teaching profession, educational and career counselling
+420 553 46 2666
Petrášová Lenka, PaedDr.
Specialist area: Speech and Language Therapy and Intevention
Pískovský Tomáš, MUDr., Ph.D.
Specialist area: Pediatrics
+420 597 371 111
+420 597 373 644
Satinská Edita, Mgr., Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department, Faculty Coordinator for Students with SEN, Department Coordinator for Students Internationalisation, Diagnostician/Specialist of Pyramida Centre
Specialist area: Education of People with Physical Disorders, Diagnostics in Special Education, Special Education
+420 553 46 2671
Staňková Renáta, Mgr.
Specialist area: Applied Physical Activities in Indviduals with Disabilities
Štěpánová Eva, MUDr.
Specialist area: Neurology, Repetitorium of Medical Propedeutics
Vašků Vladimír
Secretary, PR Coordinator
+420 553 46 2667
Vavrušková Veronika, Mgr.
Tutor of the First Year of Master Studies
Specialist area: Education of People with Social and Behavioural Problems, Special Education
+420 553 46 2666
Zarubová Pavlína, Bc.
Specialist area: Czech Sign Language, Interpreting Services
Živný Michal, RNDr., Ph.D.
Specialist area: Human Biology
+420 553 46 2310