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Olga Kubeczková
Academic degree, name, surname:
Mgr. Olga Kubeczková, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
SA 213, Building SA
Research interests and teaching:
Department (Faculty):
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 2642
No record found.
Year: 2023, Libri et Liberi
journal article
Year: 2022, O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre
journal article
Year: 2022, Karolinum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021
work experience abroad
Year: 2021
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2020, O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre
journal article
Year: 2019, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2018, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2017, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2016, Literární archiv
journal article
Year: 2024
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2024
Year: 2024, Bohemica litteraria
journal article
Year: 2023, Books&Pipes
specialist book
Year: 2023
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2023
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2023
editorial work
Year: 2023, Libri et Liberi
journal article
Olga Kubeczková, Blanka Oujezdská
Year: 2023
Year: 2022
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2022, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2022
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2022
editorial work
Year: 2022, O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre
journal article
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Hana Langrová, Olga Kubeczková
Year: 2022
Year: 2022
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2022
editorial work
Year: 2022, Karolinum
specialist book chapter
Year: 2022
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2022, Ostravská univerzita Pedagogická fakulta
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2021
work experience abroad
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2021
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2021, O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre
journal article
Year: 2021
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2021
published expert opinions, reviews
Olga Kubeczková, Ivana Gejgušová, Dávid Dziak, Zuzana Stanislavová, Ján Gallik, Katarína Labudová, Eva Lehotáková, Markéta Andričíková, Nina Kollárová, Petra Bubeníčková ... other authors
Year: 2021, Fraktál
journal article
Year: 2020
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2020, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2020, O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre
journal article
Year: 2020, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2020
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2020
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2020
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2020
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2019
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2019, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2019
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2018
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2018, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2018
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2017, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2017
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2017, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2016, Literární archiv
journal article
Year: 2016, Sborník Národního muzea v Praze, řada C - Literární historie
journal article
Year: 2013, Ostravská univerzita
specialist book
Year: 2013
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2013, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2013, Pedagogická fakulta Ostravská univerzita
specialist book
Year: 2013
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2012, Tvar
journal article
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2011, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2011, iliteratura
journal article
Year: 2011, iliteratura
journal article
Year: 2011, iliteratura
journal article
Year: 2011, iliteratura
journal article
Year: 2011, iliteratura
journal article
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2011
abstract in proceedings
Radomil Novák, Diana Svobodová, Ivana Gejgušová, Olga Kubeczková, Kamila Sekerová, Kateřina Homolová ... other authors
Year: 2011, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
specialist book
Year: 2011, Slovo a obraz v komunikaci s dětmi
journal article
Year: 2010, iliteratura
journal article
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2010, iliteratura
journal article
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Radomil Novák, Pavlína Kuldanová, Jana Svobodová, Diana Svobodová, Ivana Gejgušová, Olga Kubeczková, Jana Hyplová, Radim Šink, Kamila Sekerová, Kateřina Homolová ... other authors
Year: 2010, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
specialist book
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2009
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2009
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2009, Ladění
journal article
Year: 2008, Ladění
journal article
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008, Ladění
journal article
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006
abstract in proceedings
Eva Höflerová, Olga Kubeczková, Radana Metelková Svobodová, Kamila Sekerová, Diana Svobodová, Jana Svobodová ... other authors
Year: 2006
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2006
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006, Ladění
journal article
Year: 2006, Dokořán
journal article
Year: 2006
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006, Ladění
journal article
Year: 2006
abstract in proceedings
Eva Höflerová, Olga Kubeczková, Radana Metelková Svobodová, Kamila Sekerová, Diana Svobodová, Jana Svobodová ... other authors
Year: 2006
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005
work experience abroad
Year: 2005, Ladění
journal article
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2005, Ladění
journal article
Jiří Žáček, Olga Kubeczková
Year: 2005
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2004
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2004
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2004
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2004
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2004
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2003
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2003
abstract in proceedings
No record found.
Type of thesis
Kotrbová Lucie
The Contemporary Czech Children´s Poetry
Master's thesis
Kremrová Tereza
Children´s Book´s Title and Research of its Signification
Master's thesis
Ptáčníková Anna
The Contemporary Non-Fiction Literature with Theme of a Man
Master's thesis
Táborská Lenka
Existencial themes in the Contemporary Works for Children
Master's thesis
Bolcarovičová Eliška
Theme of Sport in the Contemporary Children´s Book
Master's thesis
Niesnerová Eva
CHildren´s Magazine "Raketa" of Labyrint
Master's thesis
Tomiczková Lucie
Children´s Books of Labyrint and their use at primary school
Master's thesis
Cemerková Helena
The Role of the References in the Reading of Adolescents
Master's thesis
Dvořáková Lucie
The Contemporary Non-Fiction Literature and its Activities in a Children´s Reading
Master's thesis
Prokopová Radka
The First Reading´s Books in a Pre-Reader´s Reception
Master's thesis
Francová Lucie
The Art, the Kitsch and the Aesthetic Education
Master's thesis
Lichovníková Zuzana
The Sense of Book´s Illustration for Youngest
Master's thesis
Šídlová Klára
The Topics of the Fear and Anxiety in the Children´s Book
Master's thesis
Bolek Daniel
Pavel Brycz and his writing for children
Master's thesis
Řehořová Drahomíra
Marie Kšajtová to Children
Master's thesis
Franek Karel
Wimpy kid, losers and cunnings - changed conception of children's literary hero
Master's thesis
Konečná Eva
Detective Fiction in Czech Children's Literature
Master's thesis
Caesarová Michaela
The Motif of the Music in the Czech poetry for Apoetic age
Master's thesis
Aniolová Radka
The Words and Picture in Child folklore´s collections
Master's thesis
Palová Marie
Contemporary production of Czech fantasy fiction for children
Master's thesis
Zapletalová Jarmila
Daniela Fischerova for children
Master's thesis
Hejtmanová Milada
Master's thesis
Šindelář Václav
Function of poetry in world author's tale
Master's thesis
Šindelářová Kateřina
Function of poetry in czech author's tale
Master's thesis
Hrubá Vendula
Dětský hrdina v díle Astrid Lindgrenové
Master's thesis
Petrů Ivana
"Zakázaní autoři" v čítankových souborech 90. let
Master's thesis
Hudečková Iva
Příběhová próza ze života handicapovaných dětí
Master's thesis
Stanislavová Martina
Humor v tvorbě Františka Nepila pro děti
Master's thesis
Adamcová Daniela
The Theme of Bullying in Books for Children and Youth
Bachelor's thesis
Bajerová Kristýna
Poetry in the Contemporary Czech Board
Bachelor's thesis
Sýkorová Aneta
Vojtěch Steklač and His Late Works
Bachelor's thesis
Janková Klára
Picture Books of Labyrint in the Reception of Pre-readers
Bachelor's thesis
Svátková Eva
Horror in Children´s Literature
Bachelor's thesis
Bretzová Tereza Alice
Painted Reading Book and its Use in Preschool Education
Bachelor's thesis
Škovronová Martina
The Books of Cesta domů for the Youngests
Bachelor's thesis
Benešová Hana
Existencial themes in the contemporary stories for pre-readers
Bachelor's thesis
Dvořáková Lucie
Charles IV. in the Contemporary Writing for Children
Bachelor's thesis
Lívová Veronika
The Child and the Dog in the Writing for Children
Bachelor's thesis
Mařáková Petra
The Books of Běžíliška in the Reception of pre-readers
Bachelor's thesis
Muchová Michaela
The Fairy tales of Jiří Kahoun in the Reception of the youngest
Bachelor's thesis
Šindelová Kateřina
The Fairy Tales of Pavel Šrut
Bachelor's thesis
Francová Lucie
The Adaptations of the Fables in the Contemporary Collections
Bachelor's thesis
Gavlovská Lenka
The Books about Nature for the Youngest Children
Bachelor's thesis
Kozlová Ivana
Věra Provazníková for Children
Bachelor's thesis
Lichovníková Zuzana
The Family and the Reading for the Youngest
Bachelor's thesis
Ordáňová Renata
Czech comics for kids
Bachelor's thesis
Stuchlíková Jana
The Monster High in the Contemporary novels for Adults
Bachelor's thesis
Vitásková Lucie
Astrid Lindgren´s Short novels for Children
Bachelor's thesis
Gbelcová Kateřina
Cars, machines and other technical equipment in poetry for pre-school children
Bachelor's thesis
Golasová Olga
Encyklopedia in tale by Jiří Dvořák
Bachelor's thesis
Harvišová Michaela
Words and images in Olga Hejná books for youngest children
Bachelor's thesis
Nevřelová Nikola
Death of child hero in literature for children and youth
Bachelor's thesis
Březná Jana
The Influence of Fairy Tale in Fantasy for Children and Teen-agers
Bachelor's thesis
Fišerová Kristýna
The Picture of Maturing in the Contemporary Novel for Teen-agers
Bachelor's thesis
Hudková Šárka
The Today topics in the Works of Ivona Březinová
Bachelor's thesis
Kolářová Martina
The Adaptation of fairytale by Milada Motlová
Bachelor's thesis
Názalaníková Barbora
The Humour in the Works of Václav Čtvrtek
Bachelor's thesis
Nováková Lucie
Josef Lada as the inspiration for incoming children´s literature
Bachelor's thesis
Kolomazníková Alena
Kroměříž and his environs in the legends
Bachelor's thesis
Nerušilová Jana
The Book files of rhymes in the Contemporary editions
Bachelor's thesis
Caesarová Michaela
The Fish in the Central role (The Novels of Jaromír Tomeček and Josef Prchal)
Bachelor's thesis
Kudelová Nelly
The Contemporary Book files of children poetry
Bachelor's thesis
Míková Veronika
The Function of Contemporary picture books
Bachelor's thesis
Nenička Tomáš
The Profile of a boy by Jaroslav Foglar
Bachelor's thesis
Šumná Barbora
The Girls novel of Ivona Březinová
Bachelor's thesis
Vaňková Veronika
The Fable and his actual adaptation for children
Bachelor's thesis
No record found.