Module: School 4 all (SPG/E-S4A)
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- School for all
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Preliminary requirements:
Communication in English – Intermediate level of English – B level
- Target group of students: subjects related to education (or more precisely Education – early intervention, pre-primary, primary schools …) + related subjects (psychology, etc.).
- Number of credits: 30
- Teachers: Kateřina Janků (guarantee), Mgr. Igor Hampl, Ph.D., PaedDr. Renata Kovářová, Ph.D.
- Semester: winter/summer
- Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, tutorials, observation, reverse reflection, e-learning, excursion, self-study, individual education and dialogue
- Requirements for the module fulfilment: individual tasks (comparison of discussed issue, case study of the child with special education needs etc.) based on e-learning and self-study of recommended literature, presence in excursions, tutorial/lectures attendance, final work.
Target of the module:
Module SCHOOL 4ALL (S4A) comes out of inclusive concept of current education based on principles of equality, multi-culture and diversity. Its target is to perform a compact view on possibilities that this actual concept of education offers. The module includes not just theoretical definition of the issue but also activities related to practical skills gaining.
Contents of the module:
The contents of the module are individual courses focused on
- Introduction to the issue of special pedagogy and inclusive system of education.
- Educational system in the Czech Republic and its comparison. International documents and legislative.
- Consulting and supporting system focused on children with special educational needs (SEN children).
- Chosen therapeutic methods and techniques used during work with SEN children.
- Excursion at schools and institutions for SEN children.
Part 1 = 6 credits
The accent is put on the whole philosophy of the special pedagogy and specifically on the concept of inclusive education. The main intention is discussion about availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability of educational institutions for all pupils. Mainly we will focus on these questions: Who is the child with special education needs? What is “strange” in special education? What is important and effective in strategies of inclusive education? The study materials will concern the theory of special pedagogy basics and the Index of inclusion.
Part 2 = 6 credits
The substance of the second course is knowledge of the Czech educational system and its comparison to others countries of the European Union (depending on homelands of current students). The part of the course is a study of international documents, conventions and legislative concerning progressive integration of the children with special educational needs into common schools.
Part 3 = 6 credits
The intention of the third course is a study of advisory, consulting system and support from professionals for the SEN children of school age and from teachers at common and inclusive school. In frame of this course the students will research key aspects of successful inclusion that is related to supporting system of professionals. This part of the module contributes to understanding to competences of individual advisory workers and centres.
Part 4 = 6 credits
One of indispensable aspects in inclusive education is using special therapeutic and facilitatory methods supporting SEN children development. The content of this fourth course is theoretical characteristics of chosen therapeutic methods and their demonstration in practice. (Concrete methods will be chosen on the basis of the students’ interest and current possibilities of the teacher in connection with practice and excursions.)
Part 5 = 6 credits
The last part of the module is practical. We will use excursions and short-term practice of the students at schools and institutions for SEN children. Actual time tables will be provided after concrete possibilities. The excursion will be in 5 institutions that can demonstrate SEN children education in various forms.
Criteria for evaluation of students in the module:
- Fulfilling of individual tasks relating to courses 1-5 (own analysis and comparison of discussed issue, casuistic, case study of SEN children) that will be organized by e-learning and the recommended literature studying.
- Presence on excursions in the Part 5 is compulsory.
- Tutorial attendance during individual courses is compulsory.
- The final work relating to current questions of special pedagogical issue will include the study of the whole module (5 courses). Its extent, structure, date of submission, form and content will be announced and discussed during initial course.
- Due to different teachers of individual courses the student will be evaluated after finishing each particular course with 6 credits and finally the credits will be added together.
- There is necessary to complete all courses for S4A module fulfilling – i.e. get 30 credits.
Expected results of education / gained competences
After finishing the module, students should
- define the SEN children
- understand and explain various interpretation of the term “special educational needs” and the complicatedness of the integration process and inclusion in current education
- know consulting system in the Czech Republic and be able to compare it in a multi-culture way
- know the education system in the Czech Republic and be able to consider differences among other educational systems of chosen countries
- know legislative and concept documents relating to inclusive education
- be able to discuss context for inclusive education development
- be able to critically evaluate procedures that are considered to be successful and effective in the class where the SEN child is
- be provided by knowledge of using concrete therapeutic methods
- BOOTH, T., AINSCOW, M. Index for Inclusion: developing learning and participation in schools. Bristol: CSIE, 2011. ISBN 978-80-244-1857-5.
- MITCHELL, D. What really works in Special and Inclusive Education. Using evidence-based teaching strategies. Second edition. USA, Abingdon Oxon: Routledge, 2014. ISBN 978-0-415-62322-3.
- PFEIFFER, S., I., REDDY, L., A. (ed.) Inclusion practises with special needs students. Theory, research, and application. USA, New York: The Haworth Press, Inc., 2000. ISBN 978-0-7890-0843-2.
- Strategie vzdělávací politiky České republiky do roku 2020.(Strategy of Educational Policy of the Czech Republic)
- The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education. Unesco. 1994.
- Vyhláška č. 72/2005 Sb. o poskytování poradenských služeb ve školách a školských poradenských zařízeních ve znění pozdějších předpisů. (Regulation of consulting service at schools and school advisory institutions)
- Vyhláška č. 73/2005 Sb. o vzdělávání dětí, žáků a studentů se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami a dětí, žáků a studentů mimořádně nadaných ve znění pozdějších předpisů. (Regulation of education for pupils and students with special educational needs and pupils and students extraordinary gifted)
- Zákon č. 82/2015 Sb. o předškolním, základním, středním, vyšším odborném a jiném vzdělávání (školský zákon). (Law of pre-school, primary, secondary, high, vocational and other education)
- Zákon č. 561/2014 Sb. o předškolním, základním, středním, vyšším odborném a jiném vzdělávání (školský zákon) ve znění pozdějších předpisů (Law of pre-school, primary, secondary, high, vocational and other education)
And other literature will be added currently.
Updated: 17. 12. 2018