Czech pronunciation - practical exercises for foreigners 2 (KCD/E-PC2)
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- Number of credits: 5
- Coordinator: Mgr. Pavlína Kuldanová, Ph.D.
- Semester: winter/summer
The seminar is designed for international students who are extending their studies at the University of Ostrava for a second semester and want to continue to improve their Czech pronunciation. Theoretical information about the most important phenomena in Czech phonetics is accompanied by practical training of some particular elements. This training is followed by an analysis of the quality of the students' pronunciation, as well as individual recommendations for improvement of the proper Czech articulation, word stress placement or correct intonation. The content of the individual seminars may be tailored to students' requirements and the level of their practical skills.
Survey of topics
- Analysis of individual students' pronunciation. Principles of correct Czech pronunciation - introduction to the most important phenomena.
- Czech vowels - information about their correct formation, training of their exact articulation.
- Czech vowels - explanation of the place and manner of their formation and voicing. Training of proper articulation.
- Rules of standard Czech pronunciation - explanation of the most important principles, practical training.
- Sound media of continuous speech - word and sentence stress, segmentation of speech, modulation (types of intonation). Training of text reading.
- Comprehensive exercises - speech exercises, text reading, listening to spoken and sung language and reproduction of heard text etc.
- Credit - fluent reading (without significant pronunciation, intonation or orthoepical mistakes) of a selected Czech text.
- HŮRKOVÁ, J. Česká výslovnostní norma. Praha: Scientia, 1995.
- LUKAVSKÝ, R. Kultura mluveného slova. Praha: AMU, 2000.
- POKORNÁ, J., VRÁNOVÁ, M. Přehled české výslovnosti. Praha, Portál, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7367-169-3.
- KROBOTOVÁ, M. Spisovná výslovnost a kultura mluveného projevu. Olomouc: UP, 2000. ISBN 80-244-0187-8.
- KULDANOVÁ, P. Zvuková stránka českého jazyka (distanční text). Ostrava: PdF OU, 2007.
Active participation in seminars, completion of set tasks (e.g. short speech exercises or practice at reading Czech texts). The final requirement is the fluent reading (without major pronunciation mistakes) of a selected Czech text within the last seminar.
Evaluation - points:
- participation in seminars - application of theoretical knowledge (10 points);
- individual study of linguistic literature (20 points);
- presentation of fluent reading within the last seminar (30-70 points).
Student must obtain min. 50 points.
Updated: 18. 11. 2022