Projects & Grants

Association between T2* relaxation time and the mechanical parameters of the Achilles tendon
Project IdSGS12/PdF/2022
Main solverMgr. Jiří Skýpala, Ph.D.
Period1/2022 - 12/2022
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe mechanical properties of the tendon are highly involved in muscle tension transmission to the skeleton and in the storage-recoil process of elastic potential energy playing an important role in daily activities. Hence, the correct quantification of the tendon?s mechanical parameters represents an important point in the scientific community. T2* relaxation time is a new imaging technique that provides a non-invasive evaluation of the soft tissues, such as tendons. However, the association between T2* and the mechanical parameters of the Achilles tendon is not investigated. As a consequence, it is not possible to correctly interpret the changes in T2* between populations. This proposal aims to investigate the associations between T2* relaxation times and Achilles tendon mechanical parameters (e.g., stiffness, Young's module and stress) to identify which parameters can be represented by the T2*. Magnetic resonance images will be obtained from 30 subjects, using fast spin-echo, T2 relaxation time sequences. T2* will be obtained for the whole Achilles tendon (from origin to insertion). Achilles tendon stiffness, Young?s Module and stress will be obtained using a combination between ultrasound and dynamometric data. Finally, linear regressions will be used to examine whether T2* relaxation time is associated with Achilles tendon mechanical parameters. The results of this study will provide further advances in the scientific literature about the non-invasive quantification of soft tissues. In this regard, a strong association between T2* and Achilles tendon mechanical parameters allow experts (e.g., medical doctors, clinicians?) to better identify the pathological situations and their effects on the Achilles tendon function, allowing for a better intervention, diagnosis and prevention.